Identify our target audience

Identify our target audience

My wonderful marketing co-ordinator Viv and I, took time out this morning to review what marketing we are currently doing, identify our target audience and think about how we can improve the way we make people aware of our various products and services. I continually...
Do you have a content plan?

Do you have a content plan?

Content planning has been at the fore front of my mind during the past few weeks.  I have been thinking about how I can improve my own content marketing and content plan as well as giving ideas to businesses of all types about the type of content they can create. I...
Tools to create video

Tools to create video

Are you using video in your content marketing?  I know it is something that I want to use better during the second half of 2013. Producing a video is a great way of showing the personality behind your business and another way of communicating with your audience. Tools...
Using Social Media for Internal Communication

Using Social Media for Internal Communication

I was working on how to use Social Media with a new client the other day – let’s call them Company A.  Company A works with Medium to Large businesses by supplying them with resources on an as needed basis. Company A has 80 associates who they can call upon at any...