What is your social media resolution?

What is your social media resolution?

Happy Belated New Year to all my customers / contacts / friends.  What were your New Year resolutions?  I hope that at least some of you have a resolution to rethink your Social Media!  Do have a look at our updated online courses if you need help.  They have been...
Have you used Places Pins on Pinterest?

Have you used Places Pins on Pinterest?

I find Pinterest a difficult site to use on a personal level.  I’m not a big shopper and personally don’t have the time or inclination to search Pinterest for things to buy or collect ‘nice’ images.  However I know Pinterest really works for...
Identify our target audience

Identify our target audience

My wonderful marketing co-ordinator Viv and I, took time out this morning to review what marketing we are currently doing, identify our target audience and think about how we can improve the way we make people aware of our various products and services. I continually...