Business Lessons from Wimbledon
As a big tennis fan, I was delighted to go to Wimbledon last Thursday, with centre court tickets obtained through the public ballot. Apart from a great day out, I also came away with two important marketing lessons for small business: Live your brand I went to...
BFA Annual Conference and The Bookkeepers Conference – My Experience
As you may know, last week, I was speaking at both The Bookkeepers Conference and the British Franchise Association Conference. I think it is an interesting exercise to compare the two conferences and pick out lessons I learnt from each. The Venue and Facilities As...
How Accessible is Facebook?
A website is accessible when its information is equally available to all people, regardless of physical or developmental abilities or impairments. There are various things you can do to make your website more accessible including: Use a clean, consistent design which...
April Hot Topics – Google Search, New Survey, Buyer Personas
As part of the new content planning we have implemented within Concise Training, the 4th Tuesday of the month will be focused on talking about ‘Hot Topics’ in the world of social media and digital marketing. Each month, I will focus on discussing the...