You would be forgiven for thinking that the 25th May heralded the start of the end for websites and Email newsletters. We are referring, of course, to a certain piece of legislation that you are most likely to be sick to your back teeth of hearing about. We promise...
Website page loading speed, your search engine rankings and what you can do to improve them Google has been using the page load speed (time it takes to load a website page so the user can see it in the browser) as one of their determinants of search engine results...
Cast your mind back a few years and LinkedIn was pleased to announce the introduction of standalone groups apps on IOS and Android and several changes to the way that groups were administered. Fast forward to mid-Feb this year and the groups apps have been withdrawn...
We often talk about the importance of link building as a way of increasing how Google views your website. The importance of links to your website has not diminished but the way that they are valued has changed a lot since the early days of Google. Consider the origins...
We haven’t written about WordPress for a little while and there have been a number of new features added this year so we thought we would give you a quick roundup of some of the useful features that have been added recently. In early 2017 WordPress released version...
We have been huge fans of Hootsuite here at Concise for a long time because it offers a good blend of functionality without breaking the bank. Perhaps the most useful feature for a business looking to manage its social media accounts is the ability to bulk schedule...
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