Nimble plus Zapier = create tasks automatically

Nimble plus Zapier = create tasks automatically

Link Nimble with Zapier to create the ultimate CRM system As you will know from our previous blog posts, we like Nimble here at Concise Training. It is a powerful CRM system that has a wealth of great features that makes working in teams much more effective (we...
How Accessible is Facebook?

How Accessible is Facebook?

A website is accessible when its information is equally available to all people, regardless of physical or developmental abilities or impairments. There are various things you can do to make your website more accessible including: Use a clean, consistent design which...
Nimble CRM Powerful Contact Search

Nimble CRM Powerful Contact Search

In our previous blog post about the Nimble CRM system, we gave you a brief overview of Nimble. Today we will look a little deeper into the use of tags and custom searches. We introduced the concept of tags added to individuals’ nimble profiles in the last blog...
Affiliate Marketing – What is it?

Affiliate Marketing – What is it?

The idea of acting as an agent and selling somebody else’s products in exchange for sales commission has been around for a long time. Affiliate marketing in its current guise is a fairly recent idea which relies on the technology of the internet in order to...
Nimble – A Very Social CRM System

Nimble – A Very Social CRM System

Recently we have talked about our adoption of the Nimble CRM system and it is proving to be a great help to us. In this blog post we are going to look at Nimble and what it does. Nimble is a customer relationship management (CRM) system which links up nicely with...
Why should you share your content?

Why should you share your content?

Why share your content with others? The simple fact is people no longer pay attention to much traditional advertising. There is so much of it about that we have learned to ignore it. Traditional advertising on its own may no longer provide a good return on investment....