LinkedIn Workshop Oxfordshire

Because of restrictions imposed by the outbreak of Covid-19 we are delivering all workshops online until further notice.

LinkedIn Workshop in Oxfordshire

Have you joined LinkedIn?  Do you have an optimised profile that reflects your brand and business?  Do you have a policy for who you connect with?  Do you get any business from LinkedIn? If you have just signed up for LinkedIn or don’t really feel that LinkedIn is doing anything for you, join our LinkedIn for Business Workshop in Oxfordshire.

During the 3.5 hour workshop we cover:

  • Why use LinkedIn for Business
  • Create an Optimised LinkedIn Personal profile
  • Create an Optimised LinkedIn Company Profile
  • Discuss what to say / what not to say
  • Develop relationships to drive more business
  • Increase visibility using groups
  • Use LinkedIn to research your network
  • Measure the success of your LinkedIn use

Our workshops are ‘hands-on’ – you use your laptop and will use LinkedIn during the workshop.  Groups are kept to a maximum of 5 where possible to ensure that everybody receives individual attention.  You will be sent a pre-course assessment to ensure you are registered with LinkedIn and have considered what you want to achieve from your use of LinkedIn.


The next workshop will be: 9:00am – 12:30pm on Friday 14th May 2021. This workshop will be held online.


£99 +VAT per person; including pre-course assessment, handouts and follow up support.

Please contact me now to book – call +44 (0)1865 522 658 or book online here.

Get in touch today

Telephone: 01865 522658

Mobile: +44 (0) 07799 634835

Email: [email protected]

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"I learnt something completely new and actually understood it"

"I realised that it's easier than I thought it would be and I now completely understand it"

"Having other people in the group to discuss things with really helped me to understand"

"The training was interactive, supportive and at the right pace"

"Mary explained things in a simple way, which helped us see how easy it is to use"

"Really informative and delivered at the right pace"

"Mary gave me honest and constructive feedback which greatly improved my profile"

"Clear, concise and fun!"

"A detailed and useful introduction to LinkedIn"

The workshop has given me the confidence to complete my profile and start to engage with others, despite having gone into it knowing absolutely nothing about LinkedIn!"

"I really appreciated Mary's personalised help as to how best to improve my profile"

"The content and pace were perfectly tailored to our group"

"Mary has made LinkedIn less scary through straightforward tuition"

"Very clear and easy to understand"

"A personalised, flexible approach which was suitable for all levels!"

"Even though I was already a LinkedIn user, I came away with new and really helpful knowledge about things that I wasn't previously doing"

"I left the workshop knowing 10 times more than when I arrived"

"Excellent hands-on assistance"

"I learnt so much more than I had expected to - I'm now motivated and confident to continue to use LinkedIn"

"Easy going and informal tuition"

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