Nimble - A Very Social CRM

Recently we have talked about our adoption of the Nimble CRM system and it is proving to be a great help to us. In this blog post we are going to look at Nimble and what it does.

Nimble Banner

Nimble is a customer relationship management (CRM) system which links up nicely with social media. It is a database of your contacts with the ability to see communication that has passed back and forth between you by email and social media. It gives a complete “single customer view” including what customers are saying on their social media.

Each individual record allows you to see information about the person and if linked to their social media profiles, what they have said on social media.

Here is an example of an individual’s record:

Nimble Record

At the top, next to the individual’s picture (which is uploaded by you or pulled through from the social media profile), you can see basic contact details and some simple facts about the person. In the above picture we have clicked on the “social tab” half way down which shows the social profiles that the individual has.

By then clicking on “streams” we can see what this person has been saying on social media profiles:

Nimble Social Tab

Here you can view any of the posts made via connected profiles individually or all together. This is very useful to get a quick overview of what has been said. It gets better! From here you can post directly to your own social profiles by using the icons that appear to the right of each post:

Nimble interactions

You can, for example, reply, retweet or favourite any Twitter post from within Nimble, you can even schedule your posts for the future:

Nimble scheduled post

On the right hand side of the individual’s record is the status box:

Nimble Status Box

This is a quick summary which shows the lead type and status that you have assigned to the individual. These are user defined and can be anything you want. For example, you could use the status “current customer” or “prospect”.

One of the most useful bits of information here is the last contact made with the individual. This is contact made via social media and/or email or telephone (if this is logged) by any of your team.

Nimble also allows you to “tag” contacts:

Nimble tags

This feature can be used to view lists of people that have the same tags on their records. There are a few ways to access this but the easiest is to click on the tag in somebody’s record.

Nimble has many features that are extremely useful when you need to share information on your contacts with a team of people. Because it is a web based application, it doesn’t matter where those people are and there are even mobile apps which allow you to use Nimble on the move.

This short introduction to the Nimble CRM platform has only covered some of the basics of this powerful tool. Next time we will delve a little deeper and look into some of the more advanced features and how you can use them.

In the meantime, we would love to hear from you if you have used a social CRM system. Has it helped you manage your contacts and provide a better service to your customers? What features do you make the most use of?