


Information for City and Guilds accredited qualifications

City & Guilds Centre: 002587 – Green Labyrinth Training
Concise Training Ltd:  [email protected] 07799634835

Please note that Concise Training will hold the information you provide.  Concise Training will pass your name, email address and date of birth to Green Labyrinth Training so your details can be registered with City & Guilds.

Concise Training will use your name, email address to send you information about the course.  Your address will be used to send you a copy of ‘Social Media Made Simple’ and your City & Guilds certificate when you complete.  Your phone number will be used to contact you about the course.  Any special assessment need you declare will be used to support your learning.

Green Labyrinth Training and Concise Training (number Z3143538) are registered with the Information Commissioners Office.

At no time will your personal information be passed to any organisations for marketing or sales purposes and all data will be handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and in line with our privacy policy and that of Green Labyrinth Training