Tip number 1
My first tip is to say how I was challenged as a trainer to deliver a Pecha Kucha to an audience of 250 people. This is a slideshow containing 20 slides only with a transition of 20 seconds for each slide so the entire presentation is 6 minutes 40 seconds long.
You might think this is quite a challenge.
You have to choose the topic carefully and plan the specific message you want to get over for each 20-second slide. Each of the 20 slides should contain a graphic, ideally taking the full size of the slide. Some trainers might also include a few words on the slide either as an overlay or use the title box on the slide.
The set transition of 20 seconds per slide means you have to have a good idea of what to say so that the slides seamlessly flow from one to another as if in a story. You could use a script but better still if you rehearse and remember what you want to say without notes.
In 2003, architects in Japan initiated the idea of Pecha Kucha to encourage the creative space for a network of artists. The concept, however, works very well in education & training allowing a trainer to deliver something fresh or new to the audience and it also encourages trainers to really focus on what information is important. Of course, the participants in a training session are more likely to concentrate and actively listen for this short period of time.
How to create a Pecha Kucha?
Start with a slideshow containing 20 blank slides.
Set the Transition or Animation to advance all slides at 20 seconds.
Select a topic that is feasible to explain in less than 7 minutes
Outline what the important point to make per slide. What do you want to say? Try to keep to 3 sentences per slide.
Find suitable photos or graphics that relate to what you are saying. Try Pixabay, Pexels or Flickr for inspiration.
A script or speech notes can be helpful but rehearsal is obviously needed. Don’t speak so fast just to be able to say more!
‘Creative Vision, Creative Voice’
Tip Number 2
My second tip is to consider Pecha Kucha alternatives.
An ‘Ignite’ is the use of 20 slides with each slide advancing automatically after 15 seconds so this forces the trainer to deliver even more succinctly and concisely.
Another variation is a 7-14-28, which looks at the 7-minute time limit for the presentation with no more than 14 slides using a minimum of 28-point font size for any text.
It is worthwhile for a trainer to try different ways to convey information to the participants of a training session.
Train the Trainer
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