If you have a Twitter Ads account, you can get some interesting data on your organic tweets (even those you are not using for promotion).

If you don’t have a Twitter Ads account, you can sign up for one at https://analytics.twitter.com – submit your payment information.  Set up a promoted campaign in the future and cancel it once you have access to analytics.

Sign in to your Twitter Ads account and click Analytics (along the top menu bar). Looking at the information available:

Tweet activity
This displays the number of views (anytime a user sees your Tweet) over the last 28 days (compared to the previous period).

Twitter Activity

Twitter engagement statsOn the right you can view the engagement rate in terms of retweets, link clicks, favourites and replies on each day for the last 28 days. You can use this to identify which days showed the best performance so you can replicate the success.

You can also see detailed statistics for individual tweets to see which to reschedule.  To see more information you can download a CSV file to see tweets for the past few months.



This dashboard gives information about follower increases, gender and location as well as topics your followers find most interesting.

Twitter followers


What do you think of the Twitter analytics?  Do you think you will add them to your suite of measurement tools?