Concise Training

Interview with Hannah Martin

Number twenty-eight of our weekly interviews in which we discover how real businesses are making Social Media work for them. Please meet Hannah Martin.

Who are you and what do you do?

I am a freelance copywriter and co-owner of the Talented Ladies Club – a website aimed at professional women who have children and want to continue to develop their career.  We want to help women who are ambitious but want to balance their ambitions with their children, and enable them to continue to use the skills and passions they have, but on their terms – by working flexibly, going freelance or starting a business.

We want Talented Ladies Club to become a wealth of useful and trusted resources and real flexible career opportunities, and ultimately plan to provide a premium membership which will offer training and other valuable quality resources.

Hannah Martin

How do you use Social Media?

We use Twitter, a Facebook page, Google+ page, a LinkedIn group and Pinterest to drive traffic to the site and raise awareness of the brand.

On our Facebook Page we share information that is interesting or useful. In fact, ‘Interesting’ and ‘useful’ is the heart of everything we do on Social Media. Everything we talk about or link to has to be ‘interesting’ or ‘useful’ (or preferably both) to the women in our target market.

We use LinkedIn and Google+ as a way of sharing links to articles.  Our Pinterest account is managed by Kary, the other half of Talented Ladies Club, and we’ll start making use of Pinterest articles shortly.

Twitter is the tool that personally I like best. I use it for relationship marketing and find it is a place where Karma really works! If you are nice and helpful on Twitter, people will respond in kind. Take the time to look for opportunities to be genuinely helpful as people do reciprocate.

It is also important to join conversations on Twitter if you have something useful or interesting to add. I started by being scared to say anything for fear of rejection or being ignored, but once I let go of that fear, I started to find Twitter really working for me.

I spend quite a bit of time on Twitter to build our business and brand. I spend about 1.5–2 hours a day on Twitter, and schedule regular tweets as well as spontaneous, real time chat. And it’s really working for us. We’ve grown our readership through Twitter at no cost other than time. It’s a great, free marketing tool.

Can you share a Personal Success Story?

Yes – two months ago I had 240 Twitter followers and got about two hits to our website every day from it. Now I have over 3,500 followers, and get around 70 hits to our site each day. This is purely through engaging with people and replying to people.

Can you give our readers a top tip?

My five key tips are:

  1. Engage – just reach out and start conversations
  2. Be interesting
  3. Be genuinely nice – it does pay off
  4. Use lists – I have one for people who tweet interesting articles and industry intelligence, and another for people who retweet me so I can retweet back
  5. There are lots of free resources on how to use Twitter – but paying for expert help is worthwhile and can save you time

Contact Information

You can contact Hannah on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook Page, Talented Ladies Club

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