Concise Training

Personal Brand on Social Media

What is your personal brand on Social Media?

Last week I was lucky enough to be approached by two separate companies to a) write a book and b) create a seminar / workshop about how Social Media is used at a personal level to promote an individual’s personal brand.  The seminar/ workshop will be aged at young people aged between 14 and 21 and the book will be for all age groups.

Personal branding on Social Media is an interesting subject.  Universities are starting to use Social Media to help the selection process of candidates – so teenagers need to be aware of how their Social Media profiles reflect them as a person.  It is not so much the photographs but what they say – are the applicants homophobic, racist or overly critical?  Is their evidence of them bullying others on Social Media?

Similarly employers will look at Social Media profiles during the recruitment process – we have all heard about the 17 year old deputy police commissioner whose tweets when she was 14 came back to haunt her.

My advice to any teenager or young person is to remember that what you say on Social Media is public, unless you use private messaging.  Don’t let it come back to haunt you.

I’m sure I’ll be writing more about this topic as the book and seminars progress.  What do you think I should include?

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