Concise Training

Adding Personality to your Business

I have been to several clients this week talking about using Social Media marketing.

The three main points I have wanted people to take with them are:

1. Engagement

I always start my Introduction to Social Media talks with ‘what is Social Media?’.  The majority of people will reply with something to do with ‘communication’.  My definition is “A way of engaging with a large number of people in a cost effective, time efficient way”.  To me, engagement is the most important thing a business can do on Social Media.

2. Personality

It is easy to lose the personality of the business behind the corporate message.  Find some way of showing who you are.  I talk about Tigger, my border terrier who forms an important part of my life and is very jealous of my laptop.

3. Public

Don’t forget that Social Media is public – remain positive and be nice to people!

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