Concise Training

Should you create a Google+ Page for your business?

So Google+ has finally introduced the ability for businesses to create a business page.  Should you bother? I’m still trying to decide and can see arguments on both sides.

No – don’t bother with Google+

1. Google+ is yet another tool that you have to update and engage with.  We already struggle to find time to update and engage with Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.  Facebook and LinkedIn both have individual profiles and company profiles all ready.  Do we have time to use yet another tool?

2. Where is your audience?  How many of your audience are actively using Google+?  Yes, they have 40 million people registered but this is nothing compared to the 500 million on Facebook or even 150 million on LinkedIn.  I have noticed that I have talking to a different group of people on Google+ though which is interesting.

3. Google+ Pages are not that easy to interact with – at the moment.  To follow a Page to need to add the page to your circles – clicking the +1 just indicates you think the page is good – it doesn’t mean that you are following updates.  People need to really understand how circles work and deliberately add your Page to a Circle – they really want to follow your page.

Yes – Get a Google + Page now

1. It is really quite easy to set up a Google+ page – the interface is friendly and easy to use.  You can rethink your digital marketing and think of some fresh things to put up.

2. I like the idea of ‘hangouts’, you can set up a webinar conversation right within Google + with some of your customers or followers.

3. Great links to video – I uploaded 10 videos very quickly to Google +

4. This is Google – more functionality is inevitable – get in at the beginning and grow with the tool.

5. This is Google.  How long will it be before Google + pages are included in search results?  Can you afford not to be in the mix?

Overall, I’m quite excited about Google+ Pages.  I have a Google+ workshop on January 20th if anybody is in the Faringdon, Oxfordshire area – or I can travel to you.

Take a look at the Concise Training page and let me know what you think – don’t forget to add the Concise Training Page to your circles!

What are your thoughts?

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